Designing for Dementia
LAUGH (Ludic Artefacts Using Gesture and Haptics) and LAUGH EMPOWERED, Sensor e-Textiles, Making a Difference, HANDS (Helping Assist with New Devices for Seniors), Hand i Pockets and Dementia Aprons are all research projects investigating innovative ways to help care for people with dementia. The projects are inclusive and participatory, bringing together health professionals, charities, care professionals and carers with technologists, designers and academics interested in designing for the ageing population.

Research has involved international collaborations with academics at a number of universities including University of Technology Sydney, Coventry University, Swansea University and Birmingham City University. Many charities and organisations have contributed to the work including Age Cymru, Alzheimer’s Society and Dementia Positive and we are very grateful to many people affected by dementia and their caregivers who have advised and shared their experiences.