LAUGH Project

LAUGH (Ludic Artefacts Using Gesture and Haptics) was a three year AHRC funded project (2015-2018) that investigated innovative ways of supporting the wellbeing of people with advanced dementia through the development of new kinds of playful objects. The project was an international collaboration involving a team of researchers: Dr Gail Kenning (University of Technology Sydney), Dr David Prytherch (Birmingham City University), Prof Andy Walters, Dr Amy Prior and CARIAD researchers Dr Jac Fennell and Aidan Taylor, led by Cathy who was the Principal Investigator.
The project was partnered by Gwalia Cyf who were one of the leading providers of residential care for people with dementia in W’ales. For more information see the LAUGH project website.
Findings from the research can be downloaded as an illustrated easy-to-read publication ‘Compassionate Design: Toolkit for designers’